February Web
The Legacy of
Christina Grimmie

Some Stars Shine So Brightly That They Shine Forever


The official website memorializing

Christina Grimmie

Are you a member of Team Grimmie? If so, then you've come to the right place! This is the official website for late singer Christina Grimmie. Since 2017, we have zealously worked to highlight her life and music while pointing to our nonprofit, The Christina Grimmie Foundation, to support families devastated by gun violence. We aim to continue to do this on our website.

Welcome to our new official Christina Grimmie website!

January 1, 2022

We’re ringing in the new year with the launch of our new website! This will be the place for fans both new and old to keep up with happenings relating to Christina. There will be periodic updates in which we will highlight some of our favorite moments in Christina’s career throughout the years as well as updates to our “Stories” page where you can submit your story on how Christina has impacted your life positively.We’re excited for you to see what else we have in store for Christina’s legacy this upcoming year. 💚

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Photo Apr 02, 5 12 26 PM
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