Scott Roberts
Christina made a difference in this world.
In August of 2013 Christina released her album “With Love”. On that album was a song which I first thought had a long, awkward name. It was “I Bet You Don’t Curse God”. I enjoyed the song and thought her vocals were fantastic but just a few months later that song took on a much bigger meaning and made a humongous impact in my life.
In the spring of 2014 on a Friday night my wife got a call from her doctor who had the test results and wanted to see her/us on Monday. She needed heart valve surgery. It was just like the first line of lyrics in the song. I latched onto that song and it became my rock for the months that followed.
As I was able to tell Christina in February of 2016 “Your song, “I Bet You Don’t Curse god” helped me keep my sanity, composure and faith from the time the Doctor called with a stern voice and the test result all the way through my wife’s successful heart valve surgery.” She gasped and we hugged.
The wisdom in Christina’s songs, tweets and vlogs has impacted people across the world. This is but one story of many.